How to Search for Image Copyright Numbers

How to Search for Image Copyright Numbers

How to Search for Image Copyright Numbers?

What is an image copyright number?

An image copyright number, also known as a stock photo registration number, is a unique identifier assigned to an image to protect it from unauthorized use. It serves as proof of ownership and allows photographers and creators to enforce their rights.

Why should you search for image copyright numbers?

Searching for image copyright numbers can help you determine whether an image is legally available for use or if it is protected by copyright. It allows you to verify the authenticity of the image and avoid potential legal issues or violations.

How can you search for image copyright numbers?

There are several ways to search for image copyright numbers:

1. Reverse Image Search:

Use an online reverse image search tool, such as Google Images or TinEye, to upload or paste the URL of the image you want to check. These tools will show you where the image appears online and provide information about its copyright status.

2. Copyright Registration Databases:

Check copyright registration databases like the United States Copyright Office or the Intellectual Property Office in your country. These databases allow you to search for registered images by entering keywords, titles, or author names.

3. Stock Photo Websites:

If you found the image on a stock photo website, such as Shutterstock or Getty Images, they usually provide information about the image's copyright status. Look for the image details or licensing information on the website to find the relevant copyright number.

4. Contact the Image Creator:

If you are unable to find the copyright number through online searches, consider reaching out to the image creator directly. They may have registered the image or be able to provide you with the necessary information to verify its copyright status.

What should you do if you find an image without a copyright number?

If you come across an image without a visible copyright number, it doesn't necessarily mean it is free to use. It is best to assume that the image is protected by copyright unless stated otherwise. To avoid any legal issues, consider using images from reliable sources that provide clear licensing information.


Searching for image copyright numbers is essential to ensure you are using images legally and avoiding copyright infringement. Utilize the available tools, databases, and contact the image creators if necessary. Remember, it's better to be cautious and respect the rights of creators than to face legal consequences.

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